Edited by Tom
Murray, Stephen Blessing, and
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Hardbound, ISBN 1-4020-1772-3
2003, 571 pp.
Kluwer Publishing was sold to Springer,who is the current distributor. See also: Amazon.com
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This edited book gives a comprehensive picture of the state of the art in authoring
systems and authoring tools for advanced technology instructional systems. In
recent years issues of authoring, cost-effectiveness, interoperability, and
re-usability have been at the forefront in educational software design, particularly
in the areas of advanced, adaptive, and intelligent educational software. This
book includes descriptions of fifteen systems and research projects from almost
every significant effort in the field of advanced technology authoring systems.
Included is a chapter comprising of an extensive overview of the field, summarizing
the work of dozens of systems and projects, and providing an analytical framework
for comparing them.
The book will appeal to researchers, teachers, and advanced students working
in the following areas: instructional technology and computer-based education,
psychology, cognitive science, education (all levels), and computer science.
The book is offered for two types of readers. First are academic or industry
personnel in the field of instructional software R&D---who need to know
"what methods and designs have been used, and how successful have they
been?" in their efforts to build the next generation of systems. The second
type of reader is the user, developer, or purchaser of instructional software
(advanced, intelligent, or otherwise) who needs to know "what is really
available, or soon to be available, to make advanced educational software authoring
1. SIMQUEST: Authoring Educational Simulations
....................Wouter R. van Joolingen & Ton de Jong
2. Requiem for a Development System: Reflections on Knowledge-Based, Generative
....................Henry M. Halff, Patricia Y. Hsieh, Brenda M. Wenzel, Tom
J. Chudanov,
....................Mary T. Dirnberger, Elizabeth G. Gibson, & Carol L.
3. Authoring Simulation-Centered Learning Environments with Rides and Vivids
....................Allen Munro
4. A Programming by Demonstration Authoring Tool for Model-Tracing Tutors
....................Stephen B. Blessing
5. Automated Knowledge Acquisition for Intelligent Support of Diagnostic Reasoning
....................Douglas Towne
6. Formative Evaluation of an Automated Knowledge Elicitation and Organization
....................Valerie J. Shute & Lisa A. Torreano
7. Using Knowledge Objects to Design Instructional Learning Environments
....................M. David Merrill
8. REDEEM: Simple Intelligent Tutoring Systems from Usable Tools
....................Shaaron Ainsworth, Nigel Major, Shirley Grimshaw,
....................Mary Hayes, Jean Underwood, Ben Williams & David Wood
9. The IRIS Authoring Tool
....................Ana Arruarte, Begoña Ferrero, Isabel Fernández-Castro,
....................Maite Urretavizcaya, Ainhoa Álvarez, Jim Greer
10. CREAM-Tools : An Authoring Environment for Knowledge Engineering in Intelligent
Tutoring Systems
....................Roger Nkambou, Claude Frasson & Gilles Gauthier
11. Eon: Authoring Tools for Content, Instructional Strategy, Student Model,
and Interface Design
....................Tom Murray
12. Supporting Educational Software Design With Knowledge-Rich Tools
....................Benjamin Bell
13. Developing Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems: From Design Models to
Authoring Tools
....................Peter Brusilovsky
14. The Leap Authoring Tool: Supporting complex courseware authoring through
reuse, rapid prototyping, and interactive visualizations
....................Randall Sparks, Scott Dooley, Lori Meiskey, Rick Blumenthal
15. Principles for Pedagogy-oriented Knowledge Based Tutor Authoring Systems:
Lessons Learned and a Design Meta-Model
....................Tom Murray
16. Authoring Tools for Component–Based Learning Environments
....................Steven Ritter, Stephen B. Blessing, & Leslie Wheeler
17. An Overview of Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tools: Updated analysis
of the state of the art
....................Tom Murray
Researchers and educational software developers have talked about building authoring
tools for intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs), adaptive and knowledge-based
instructional systems, and other forms of advanced-technology learning environments
(ATLEs) ever since these forms of educational software were introduced in the
1970s. The technical complexity and high development costs of these systems
contrasts sharply with the common picture of education as a "home grown"
activity performed by individual teachers and trainers who craft lessons tailored
for each situation. There have been two primary reasons to create authoring
tools for ATLEs: to reduce development cost, and to allow practicing educators
to become more involved in their creation. The goal of creating usable authoring
tools dovetails with the recent trend toward interoperability and reusability
among these systems.
We use the phrase "advanced-technology learning environment" to refer to educational software on the leading edge of practice and research. These systems go beyond traditional computer-based instruction or educational simulations by providing one or more of the following benefits:
The ATLE authoring tools field has advanced significantly since the first conference
workshop on the subject in 1995. Since then there have been a number of international
workshops dealing with the subject (including workshops at the AI in Education
international conferences in 1995, 1997, 1999; the Intelligent Tutoring Systems
international conference in1996; and the American Association of Artificial
Intelligence Fall Symposium in 1997). In addition there have been several special
issues of research journals on this topic (including the International Journal
of AI in Education Vol. 8. No. 3, 1998, and Vol. 10 No. 1, 1999; J. of the Learning
Sciences Vol. 7 No. 1 1998; and J. of Instructional Science Vol. 26 Nos. 3-4
1998). This volume, which is the first book on the subject, contains chapters
providing updated reports on all of these workshops and publications. It provides
a comprehensive picture of the state of the art in ATLE authoring systems, with
representative chapters from almost every major researcher in the field. Contributions
to this volume come from an international cadre of researchers from Canada,
the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Significant
work in authoring tools is ongoing in several other countries as well (including
Japan and Germany).
The reader will note the word "toward" in the title of the volume.
The field is still very much in a formative stage. The systems described in
the 17 chapters to follow are predominantly R&D efforts or local success
stories. That is, few have been used to produce numerous tutoring systems nor
have they been used by people not closely associated with a research team (with
some notable exceptions, as discussed in the Overview chapter). This state of
affairs with ATLE authoring tools reflects the state of ATLEs in general, which
have shown some successes but have been slow to enter the main-stream commercial
education and training markets. However, despite its formative nature, the importance
of making ATLEs more cost effective and authorable warrants the publication
of a book such as this that describes the state of the art. The design issues
are complex and the implemented solutions are quite diverse. Much progress has
been made in articulating the issues and fleshing out solutions, and a number
of projects have completed empirical studies demonstrating usability and cost-effectiveness.
A few of the chapters describe projects that were completed some years ago,
and these were included because their research results and design innovations
still represent the state of the art on certain issues.
The chapters in this volume are organized based on an analysis of authoring
systems given in the Overview chapter which distinguishes authoring tools according
to the following categories: Authoring Tutors for Device and Process Simulations,
Authoring Tutors that Encode Human Expertise, Authoring Tutors that Include
Instructional Strategies, and Special Purpose Authoring Tools. Some readers
may wish to read the final Chapter first, an overview of ITS authoring tools,
and authoring tools issues.
Chapter 1 describes SimQuest, an authoring tool for creating simulation-based
learning environments that focus on science concepts and principles. Chapter
2 describes XAIDA, an authoring tool that has been used to develop simple simulations
that can address a variety of knowledge types, including facts, concepts, procedures,
and principles. Chapter 3 describes RIDES, a tool for authoring tutorials bases
on sophisticated device simulations. Chapter 4 describes Demonstr8, a prototype
authoring tool that explores authoring domain content by having authors providing
examples and demonstrations, and then intelligently creating generalizations
based on these example cases. Chapter 5 describes DIAG, a system for authoring
tutors in electronic fault diagnosis that significantly simplifies the process
of defining and providing instruction for complex devices and the numerous fault
conditions that can occur in these devices. Chapter 6 describes DNA, a knowledge
elicitation tool that simulates a semi-structured interview process for eliciting
factual, conceptual, and procedural domain knowledge for an ITS. Chapter 7 describes
Instructional Simulator, one of a set of commercially available authoring tools
that simplify authoring for simple device simulations and conceptual knowledge.
Chapter 8 describes REDEEM, an authoring tool that converts traditional computer-based
instructional content into an intelligent tutor by allowing teachers to specify
multiple teaching strategies, each of which is defined for a particular type
of student. Chapters 9 and 10 describe the IRIS authoring tool and CREAM-tools.
These systems incorporate different methods for building ITSs that incorporate
complex instructional design principles that utilize the instructional theories
of Gagne, Bloom, and Merrill. Chapter 11 described the Eon system, which includes
highly interactive authoring tools, for authoring subject matter, tutoring strategies,
interfaces, and student models. Chapter 12 describes IDLE-tools, which are used
to create "investigate and decide goal-based learning environments."
Chapter 13 gives an overview of authoring tools for adaptive hypermedia systems,
with a more detailed description of the InterBook. Chapter 14 describes LAT,
an authoring tool for creating tutors that use conversational grammars to simulate
product sales representative phone conversations with customers. Chapter 15
presents contains a general design "meta-model" for ITS authoring
tools (this material in this chapter was part of the originally published paper
on the Eon system, Chapter 11, but was separated into a different paper and
extended for this volume). Chapter 16 contains a general discussion on interoperability
and component-based architectures for authoring tools, and includes examples
from tools used to author model tracing tutors. Chapter 17 is an overview of
the state of the art in ITS authoring, including an analysis and comparison
of 31 authoring tools.
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